The top luxury Rolls-Royce hunting version with a starlight roof! The pyramid among luxury cars!

The top luxury Rolls-Royce hunting version with a starlight roof! The pyramid among luxury cars!

In the 19th century, Britain had become the world's first industrial revolution and industrialized country. At that time, in order to have more elegant enjoyment and fun when hunting, the British aristocrats created a special carriage for hunting--Shooting Brake.
In 1910, Rolls-Royce released the Silver Ghost 40/50 HP Shooting Brake. The new car was modified based on the Silver Ghost model, with the tail design adjusted and a large wooden trunk replaced. Thus, the world's first Shooting Brake model was born.

A century later, Niels van Roij Design, a well-known car design company in London, England, released the new Rolls-Royce Silver Spectre Shooting Brake (Silver Ghost Shooting Brake). It took 18 months for the Belgian modification factory Carat Duchatelet to convert the Phantom coupe into a shooting brake.

Initially, Niels van Roij Design planned to produce 7 cars, but unfortunately, due to various reasons, only one was produced in the end, and the auctioned one became the only one in the world. It is worth noting that the price of this car was not announced at the beginning, but it is said that the modification cost exceeded US$324,165.

The car adopts a two-door four-seat layout. In addition to ensuring elegant lines, it also has a relatively practical riding space, and the back row will not become a decoration. In addition, in addition to the top-grade leather fabrics and a large number of metal parts with excellent texture, the roof is also equipped with a Rolls-Royce starlight roof composed of more than 2,000 optical fibers, which is extremely luxurious.

As a shooting brake, the trunk storage space must not be small, and as a Rolls-Royce shooting brake, the luxury of the trunk must not be low. It can be seen that the trunk is almost all covered with fine leather, and the floor is also made of metal material from the yacht deck to protect the floor leather from being scratched by luggage.

In terms of power, the car retains the Phantom's 6.6T V12 engine, with a maximum power of 700 horsepower and a peak torque of 900 Nm, which is 76 horsepower higher than the original Phantom model. Referring to the Phantom's 4.4 seconds to break 100 and a top speed of 250km/h, it is expected that the power improvement of the car will also be very obvious.

The article mentions the car roof star lights. As we all know, the car starlights is a high-end accessory of Rolls-Royce! Rolls-Royce pioneered the starlight headliner for cars. For more information, please see my previous articles: Take you to understand the Rolls-Royce "Starlight Headliner"

In addition, if you want to make your business car more luxurious, installing a starlight roof lining is essential. Stars for car roof can take your vehicle to the next level!

The goal of Beesidy Starlight Headliner is to allow more car enthusiasts to afford the starlight headliner, enjoy the warmth and romance it brings, add fun to life, and make the starlight headliner no longer exclusive to luxury cars!

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